Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Day 17

The hardest part is over and now we are just thoroughly enjoying our chicken! Only four days left!  The other night I made an amazing whole chicken. Who knows if it was because we haven’t had chicken for a while or if it was THAT good, but I thought it was truly home-cookin’ good!! I said the salmon the other day was amazing but that salmon had nothing on this chicken!! LOL

Last night I made chicken zucchini burgers. They were pretty good. I will make them again!

Come to find out I made a mistake in having eggs. We weren’t supposed to have eggs yet, just chicken and fish. Hubby and I both thought we read somewhere that we could have eggs.

The weight loss continued and I am now down twelve and hubby is down fourteen. I am down a couple inches in the waist and it feels so great. My tummy is my struggle area and it’s so nice that I can actually see that it has gone down!

I still really want sugar and bread and the things I can’t have but it’s not as difficult to not have it. When we are done we have decided we want to reintroduce bread first. Hoping to make some homemade bread to kick us off!! I’m sure it won’t be long before we have pizza as we love our pizza!!

Looking forward to see how the reintroduction of food goes and hope to keep losing weight when we do so!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Day 11

Dinner tonight was amazing if I do say so myself!! I didn’t go with the chicken I was thinking, I went with salmon instead for my hubby. Unfortunately at 7pm he still isn’t home to eat it (stuck at school). =( So I broiled the salmon with dill and Italian seasonings, then made veggies also. I caramelized the onions and then added mushrooms, zucchini, carrots, and…. I don’t remember, maybe that was it. I put the same seasonings on those and it was scrumptious!! Not sure if it’s because I haven’t been very creative up until now and we couldn’t have meat, but boy it was good. Mind you, even just a few years ago I NEVER would have ate this meal- let alone made it!!

I did end up getting up this morning and surprising my hubby with eggs for breakfast. He didn’t seem to excited but I was excited for my eggs!! I can’t wait for tomorrow’s meal now!

I’ve also determined that the best Christmas present for me this year would be a chef to come to my house and teach me how to cook (is there such a thing?) and an organizer to come help me organize my house (off topic of this context but that’s okay).

So, a great day for food I think!

Hopefully the kids will catch on to this food soon!! =)

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 10!!

I did it! I did it! I made it to day 10 with only a few tiny, tiny little cheats!! I cannot wait until breakfast in the morning and dinner tomorrow night!! Eggs for breakfast and chicken for dinner!!! I may even get up really early and serve my hubby eggs for breakfast before he heads off to work and school for enduring this with me!!!

The last couple days have been better than day seven, but dinner for day eight and nine were not for me. I’m still not a spicy girl (or somethin’) and I made lentil chili on day eight and vegan chili with no beans (essentially just veggies & chili seasonings) on day nine. At least last night we made rice to go with it, so I ate more than I otherwise would have.

After day seven, my weight loss has come to a screeching halt. I haven’t been exercising much during this time so I’m sure when I kick that in they will come off again. I hope so! Hoping to go running tonight but that hasn’t proved to happen the last week or two.

One of the difficult things with this for me is getting in more vegetables than fruit. I think the last couple days have been best for that, now that I am just eating the veggies whether I like them or not and hope that I acquire a taste for them. =)

This morning I changed it up a bit in my smoothie and added more veggies too and it was actually quite tasty… which I can’t always say about all the smoothies! =)

We made it through the tough part… now on to the rest!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 7

Uffda! Today was a hard day!! I want bread! I want cheese! I want pasta! I want ice cream! I want pretty much anything I am not supposed to have! =) Can’t wait until Thursday when we can at least have chicken and eggs!! Yesterday was a little hard simply because hubby said “I don’t want to do this anymore. I want…” But we are still truckin’ along and I had a big victory with him and his dinner of vegan tacos!!! Never in a million would I think I would hear my husband say, “these are REALLY good!!” about vegan tacos!! =)

I think the hard part for today was meal planning for the next week (doesn’t help that I want to spend time with my kiddos and the house is a disaster). I feel like there is nothing I want to eat, except what I can’t have. I am tired of carrots, broccoli and cauliflower for snacks. I need to eat more peppers for snacks I guess and get use to those.

I remember day four was a gross day because the smoothies weren’t very cold. They taste worse when they aren’t cold. I ran out of frozen bananas so I was using non-frozen bananas and not using ice. They were nasty! Once I figured out why the smoothies all of a sudden tasted even worse, day five was much better.

Day five I remember I woke up feeling energized and really good, but by afternoon, I had to take a nap. Day six I woke up feeling pretty good too, but not as good as day five. Hubby has had a “sick feeling” last night and tonight but otherwise has felt pretty “normal” all week.

Wish I would have updated each day but this week has been pretty overwhelming. I have barely even gone anywhere and it’s been crazy!! As of day five I had lost six pounds and hubby had lost seven. As of today I have lost eight and he has lost ten!! That’s the good news of the day! =) But, all in all, I’m still happy that we are doing this. I think it will be worth it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Day 3 Update

(Read with light-hearted, fun tone of voice, cause that’s where I’m at!)

Dinner was AWFUL! Do people really eat this stuff!!?? =) Seriously! LOL! Tomorrow we are eating something we KNOW we will like. But shhhh, don’t tell my hubby, he doesn’t know yet! =)

The best part of today is that my hubby and I are connecting over this experience. We have had a hard time connecting for some time (just little snips here and there) and I really hope that this experience will draw us closer. He was having a hard time tonight wanting any food but what we are allowed to have, I was a little bit too, but it helped us to relate to one another. He was a little irritable too and he’s usually pretty even keel and I’m the irritable one!! =)

He thinks he has lost six pounds already! Really, three days and six pounds!!?? Why do men have it so easy!? HAHA! I might be down three and that’s really exciting!! I’ll check in the morning. I didn’t actually want to weigh myself until day 7, but it gives a little motivation seeing the scale going in the right direction!

Wanting other foods, but loving it!! =)

Days 1-3

Day 1- Sept 10, 2012

Day one was the easiest. You are excited about a new thing so you don’t really care that you are eating NOTHING that tastes good!! =) The blended frozen banana that was the consistency of ice cream was the closest thing to anything tasting good. Essentially, banana ice cream but it was just banana and cinnamon. This is one of the goals though, to expand the palate. =)

Going grocery shopping on day one wasn’t bad. Kind of exciting picking out veggies I hadn’t had in a long time or never had in my life. It would be fun to see how it tastes and if I end up continuing to buy those veggies.

Started needing to “use the facilities” around 2-3pm and I’ll spare you those details. =) Overall, day one I did great and felt good too.

Day 2- Sept 11, 2012

Day two was still good. Since I had to go to the store it made it a little harder seeing things I wished I could have but thankfully the trip was quick- in and out.

I did have an accident when I was making the kids lunch. I licked my finger that had peanut butter on it that I had put on the kids celery! As soon as I licked it I was like, oops, I am not supposed to have that. =) Then I was tempted to eat their other foods but I refrained.

I was excited about our dinner but for some reason it turned spicy hot. Even hubby said it was spicy and he does fine with spicy. Not sure what did it because it was only basil, parsley, oregano and salt and pepper. I didn’t think any of those would make it spicy.

Still nothing tasted good (dinner would have been without the spicy) but I did it and am still feeling good about it.

Day 3- Sept 12, 2012

Today is a little harder, mainly with feeding the kiddos their lunch and wanting to eat it. Thankfully I have transitioned them to healthier things too but it is not on our menu this week. =( I admit, I did cheat and have a bite of a noodle. It was about the size of my pinky finger so I don’t think it will affect me!! =)

I tried to change my lunch and make it taste better with the supplements. I put the supplements separate and gagged. Then I only added a little to my smoothie and then my smoothie was pretty tasty.

Still have dinner to go tonight, but so far so good. I will do this!!

The Plan- September 2012

My plan is to get healthy. I don’t eat healthy, I don’t workout much (except running has been great), and I want to be healthy for my family. I want to be active with the kids, play sports and games with them, and not be too lazy to go to the park with them sometimes when they want to.

So, September 10 my hubby and I start a 21-day cleanse. I am excited and nervous about it at the same time. I am excited about losing weight, losing some of my sweet tooth, and eating healthy. And I am way excited about my hubby doing it with me, or I likely wouldn’t be doing it at all!! I am not excited about the unknown, losing my sweet tooth, and eating healthy!! =) HAHA

By eating healthy, I mean that I want to get rid of the high fructose corn syrup from my diet. I want to get rid of most, if not all, the additives in my foods that are known to cause hyperactivity, asthma, and cancer. This leaves us with mainly fruits and vegetables, lean meats, and grains. I am not eliminating food groups in the long term- just the items that don’t belong in our foods in the first place.

In the last few years I have seen friends and family members changing their lifestyles, which includes the foods they chose to eat. Being uneducated about food, I thought, I’m eating pretty well. I eat “home-cooked” meals quite a bit, eat out only some (not every day), but I do eat lots of sugar and I know that’s not good. My excuse for not changing is usually, “It doesn’t taste good.”

When I heard about this “whole food cleanse” and how it cleans your system out and in the end, I concluded, can change your palate and reduce your food/sweet cravings, I said “I’m in!!” What do I need to do? So, here is what we are doing. Days 1-10 we are eating ONLY fruits, vegetables, rice or lentils and whole food supplements. Days 11-21 we are adding chicken, fish, and eggs to that list. After day 21 we will gradually add back in the other whole foods and see how they make us feel (hoping for no allergies or food intolerances.

This brings us from Sept 10-Sept 30. Then, in October, once we have “fixed” our eating we plan to join Crossfit progression to get fit and even healthier!! Yikes!!

I want to document this to hold myself accountable and also to encourage others if they have similar goals.

Here goes! With God helping me, I can do this!!  So thankful to also have my hubby by my side in this!!