Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Day 10!!

I did it! I did it! I made it to day 10 with only a few tiny, tiny little cheats!! I cannot wait until breakfast in the morning and dinner tomorrow night!! Eggs for breakfast and chicken for dinner!!! I may even get up really early and serve my hubby eggs for breakfast before he heads off to work and school for enduring this with me!!!

The last couple days have been better than day seven, but dinner for day eight and nine were not for me. I’m still not a spicy girl (or somethin’) and I made lentil chili on day eight and vegan chili with no beans (essentially just veggies & chili seasonings) on day nine. At least last night we made rice to go with it, so I ate more than I otherwise would have.

After day seven, my weight loss has come to a screeching halt. I haven’t been exercising much during this time so I’m sure when I kick that in they will come off again. I hope so! Hoping to go running tonight but that hasn’t proved to happen the last week or two.

One of the difficult things with this for me is getting in more vegetables than fruit. I think the last couple days have been best for that, now that I am just eating the veggies whether I like them or not and hope that I acquire a taste for them. =)

This morning I changed it up a bit in my smoothie and added more veggies too and it was actually quite tasty… which I can’t always say about all the smoothies! =)

We made it through the tough part… now on to the rest!

1 comment:

Sarah J said...

Wow, great job Allison! I'm impressed you stuck it out for the 10 day cleanse. Do you feel better? How was your energy level? Good luck with finding more healthy choices. Your salmon & veggie dinner sounds awesome :) Keep up the great work & I do plan to run w you next Wednesday- whether 1st thing in the am or after dinner!!